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Happy Easter

Melissa Walley

Spring is upon us! It is my favorite season here in Texas. The cool wind blows through the land, the trees sway and whistle, the sun shines easily upon the seeds gently enough for plants to sprout up from the ground, and the wildflowers are painting the hill country. It is so refreshing and rejuvenating to every sense, breathing in the beautiful, freedom of the master-designed Earth.

We plan to camp at our family land and enjoy nature with the family. A weekend planned for rejuvenation and celebrating in the spirit of Easter. As we come from a truly hard winter, there’s something about this Spring that seems more charged than past Easters.

If we endure challenging, hard things and make it through them, do we come out of them stronger, brighter, and are we able to grow more productively? I have lived and learned, that most of the time, this is the case.

As we celebrate Easter, many of us have many traditions. We celebrate a pagan holiday, honoring our journey from going within this last winter, trusting in ourselves and the work we put into releasing what didn’t serve us and planting new seeds spiritually for the renewed version of ourselves this Spring. We honor the great stories, of the many Greek Goddesses and humans like Ishtar and Jesus.

However you celebrate, I pray you take time to honor yourself, and the journey you have been on this year. I pray that you take time to breathe in the new life around you, the wind delivering new hope and the sun that provides growth and light. May you shine your light so wide and far, that your seeds begin to sprout up from the darkness, all across your visions!

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