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Wrapping up another year in design

Melissa Walley

We are taking the week to wrap up our incredible year as a full service interior design company in New Braunfels, Texas. I sit here, looking at our beautifully crafted designs in gratitude, crying, laughing and in disbelief of what we have accomplished this year. I have to fully admit that it was one of the most challenging years I have ever had as a small buisness owner!

What happened? Well… what didn’t? I promise this year I am going to tell it all in my WTF Pixie blog. Some of the things we go through are the impossible, unbelievable and absolutely astonishing, …but we always make it out in grace. We really have a million things happening at once, for the service we provide (that’s one of the things we love about it!), but with the supply and demand, 3 months of rain, materials going sky high, Covid, stomach flu; it was a tear jerker!

We started the year with new process and procedures, really taking time to decide what we needed to make the process of design, and the process of the design into construciton, easier for everyone. Our new process and procedures have worked beautifully this year, and we are closing out the year, changing a few things to head into 2022 with our stuff together!

We completed 20, Option 3 designs, from concept to build this year! From kitchens, to bathrooms, a laundry room, an entire lake house renovation, and so many more! I will be sharing on social media this week, so stay tuned! These are where our hearts are at. We orchestrate every single detail, down to steaming the curtains, or placing the soap in the perfect kitchen dish after a complete remodel.. these clients become apart of us, and we apart of their space.

We completed another 15, Option 1-2 designs in which we helped clients prepare for a DIY or gave them ideas, floor plans, colors, room layouts, etc.

We added our Healing Home line of decor and furniture, which has been amazingly successful and growing everyday. We are constantly sourcing handmade, handpicked, authentic, natural, healing products for your home. It is really exciting to think that we will be building healing homes in 2022!

We hired 3 new designers, Jasmine, Jaydin and Sarah! I can’t wait to take some time and introduce those of you who haven’t met them. Jasmine is great at colors and furniture, while Jaydin helps with construction, and Sarah is one of the most detailed, thorough and hands on designer you will ever meet!

We also added 4 new construciton employees! THIS! This has been a huge step forward with what we do. As we have always used our local subcontractors for everything construciton, but this year we found many set backs with scheduling. The amazing companies we work with really couldn’t help it. It has been dreamy to be able to count on our guys to complete projects and follow ups with our trusting clients.

Let’s talk about the construction world for a minute- Materials went up 300%! The availability of materials was challenging pretty much all year. Things that used to be available, took months to get! We met many, many challenges with materials, but we overcame all of them.

We also lost a valuable, well respected team member, Michelle, as her own buisness, CF Estimates, is growing exponentially and she was needed full time there. While we celebrate her growth, we have had a hard time fulfilling her role. We were able to hire Sarah Schlather, as our newest Admin most recently and a new Chief of Opertations, Natasha Rivera!

As we go into the next year, Pixie Living Solutions will be celebrating our victories, our relationships made this last year, our accomplishments in design and construction and aiming towards creating healing homes in the near future.

We thank you all for your trust, your friendships, allowing us to be in your homes, meet your families and share us with all of your friends. It is truly my passion and dream come true each and everyday to serve this beautiful community. I pray you all light & love today, everyday and into the New Year!


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